The Secret of Secrets: The Secret of the Golden Flower Buy all these book on 50% Discount now Call 9911266767
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The Secret of Secrets: The Secret of the Golden Flower 

This series of talks is on one of the most esoteric treatises in the world. It will show you the way to become more than the body and the way to bloom - how not to remain a seed but to become a golden flower. What, in India, they call the one thousand-petalled lotus, in China, they call the golden flower. It is a symbol that represents perfection, totality. Moreover, the flower represents the actualization of the potential - the beauty, the grandeur, the splendor of being.
This treatise, The Secret of Secrets: The Secret of the Golden Flower, is very ancient, possibly one of the most ancient treatises in the world - at least 25 centuries old. But 25 centuries can be traced back very easily. And this treatise is also, uniquely, a great synthesis of all the great religions. The Bible belongs to the Christians, the Talmud belongs to the Jews, the Vedas belong to the Hindus, the Dhammapada to the Buddhists, the Tao Te Ching to the Taoists. But this small book, The Secret of Secrets: The Secret of the Golden Flower, belongs to no one in particular, or it belongs to all. It is heavily based on Taoist teachings, a flowering of the Taoist approach to life and existence. But it is not only that. Zarathustra has played a role; his teachings are incorporated within it. Buddhist teachings have also been integrated, and a certain esoteric school of Christians, the Nestorians, have played their part. It is one of the most synthetical approaches.
These 31 talks will introduce you to a world of consciousness, meditation, and a transformative space - it's a pure joy to listen to Osho.

112 sutra

 When you are in deep love, for the first time you encounter the inner reality. Then Shiva is not the form, then Shiva is not the body. When you are in love, the body of the beloved falls away, disappears. The form is no more and the formless is revealed. You are facing an abyss. That is why we are so afraid of love. We can face a body, we can face a face, we can face a form, but we are afraid of facing an abyss.
If you love someone, if you really love, his body is bound to disappear. In some moments of climax, of the peak, the form will dissolve, and through the beloved, you will enter the formless. That is why we are afraid – it is falling into a bottomless abyss. 

The secrete

The Book of Secrets: 112 Keys To The Mystery Within

112 Keys to the Mystery Within Osho continues to inspire millions of people worldwide in their individual search for joy, fulfillment, depth, and silence. All his talks address the question of how we can live each moment of our daily lives in awareness, relaxation, and totality. In The Book of Secrets, we are invited to experience and experiment with the games and situations that everyday life brings through the tools of our senses. The 4000-year-old Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is a compendium of highly condensed, telegraphic instructions for 112 different awareness techniques that bring us into the present moment. Osho describes each technique in detail and explains how we can discover which is the best one for us and how to integrate it into our daily lives. "These techniques, if followed, suddenly turn your mind. It comes to the present. And when the mind comes to the present it stops, it is no more. You cannot be a mind in the present, that is impossible." Osho

From Sex to super-conscious

"When you make love to a woman, the inner energy comes to a peak, it comes to a crescendo. At that crescendo, don't go on looking outside, otherwise, you will miss something beautiful that is happening, something very mysterious that is happening inside: you are becoming a circle. Your two, male and female, are meeting, you are becoming Ardhanaarishwar [अर्द्धनारीश्वर]. At this moment, your whole body will vibrate from the toes to the head. Every nerve of the body will vibrate with life because this circle spreads all over the body. It is not sexual, it is more than sex. Watch it! Watch the reaching of the peak, the meeting of the inner energies. Then watch when the tide has gone and the abyss starts. Watch, by and by, the separation of the energies again. If you do it a few times, you will immediately become aware that the outer woman or man is not needed. This can be done without the outer because this is happening without the outer - the outer is just a trigger-point. That trigger-point can be created inside. And once you know-how, you can do it inside. But this has to be experienced, only then do you know - I cannot say how. You have to observe, watch, and then you will know how the energies come, how orgasm happens; how they separate again, and again the two arise. For a single moment, one happens in you. That's why there is so much attraction in sex, that's why so much pleasure is derived out of orgasm - because for a single moment you become one, the two disappears. And in the moment of orgasm, there is no mind. If the mind is there orgasm cannot happen. In the moment of orgasm, not a single thought... the whole prism is put aside. You are but without thoughts. You exist, but with no mind. This happens only for such a single moment that you can miss it easily; you have been missing it for many lives. It is such a small gap that if you are interested outside, you have missed it."
काम, जो कि समस्त संसार में उत्पत्ति का एकमात्र माध्यम है, के विषय में जो भी भ्रांतियाँ फैलाई गई हैं, इसके प्रति हमारी अज्ञानता की सूचना देती हैं। हमारे द्वारा प्रेम के मार्ग में खड़ी की गई बाधाएँ अगर हटा दी जाएं तो प्रेम की धारा को परमात्मा तक पहुँचने से कौन रोक सकता है ? परन्तु हम इसके बारे में जानना - समझना ही नहीं चाहते। हममें इस विषय पर बात तक करने का साहस नहीं है। यह किस प्रकार का भय है जो हमें सच्चाई तक पहुँचने से रोक रहा है 


  • Increase sensitivity and sensuality
  • Improve love-making and relating
  • Become more meditative in daily life
  • Feel more alive and have more energy
  • Have fun and see the world through new eyes
  • Experience higher states of consciousness
  • Increase your ability to love
  • Consciously create your life
  • Heal your relationships
  • Live your creative potential
  • Move beyond fear
  • Open your capacity for bliss


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